Our Flexible, Alternative, and Affordable Pathways (FAAP) offer opportunity to study in a top University in Canada that would otherwise be difficult to gain direct entry. We recommend accredited and Designated Learning Institutions (DLI) also known as middle-level colleges, which allows the student to complete the first 2-years of University courses (University Transfer UT program) and then transfer the credits earned to a top University to complete the remaining 2 years of a 4-year degree program.

  • The accredited DLI are easily accessible with simplified application processes.
  • UT programs offer flexible pathways for admission to a top University.
  • They are relatively cheap and affordable tuition fees.
  • Relatively easy to access scholarships and financial aid.
  • They allow new student time to adjust and mitigate culture shock.
  • They offer programs to help students find part time work.
  • They offer a 2-year associate degrees, a pathway to permanent residency.

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